
The CMS status is gamma.
It is used to build this website and others, and makes heavy use of the whole application framework.
We are in the process of writing documentation, manuals, HOWTOs and building example sites. The
next release - BlueShoes 4.6 - will include the CMS.
Features include:
- Strong abstraction of design and content
- Versioning (History of your changes)
- Life cycle (pages and partial page content can be sheduled for publishing and expiration)
- Strong diversity support: multiple languages, browsers, browser versions, browser features, plugins
- Wysiwyg editing of text, HTML and table content (browser-based, no plugins needed). As webmaster you can still hack the code directly.
- Many different content block types. Wysiwyg HTML, HTML, XHTML, Table, Navigation, Image/Flash, Title, Chart, E-Mail Address etc
- Multilevel caching that speeds up the sites and reduces the load
- XML-based for best flexibility
- No new language to learn, just use PHP everywhere you want. In Layouts, nested layouts and content blocks.
- Has a file manager, cache manager, backup manager and user manager.